When children are in unfamiliar territory without a routine or schedule, a nanny can be a great help. When you have a nanny around, you have an extra set of hands to help you with your children’s needs. And with a nanny taking care of your children, you and your partner can have more time for yourselves.
Your nanny can undoubtedly ease the stress of traveling as a family. However, bringing your nanny along without carefully planning could result in misunderstandings.
The following are a few tips to help make the vacation smoother for you and your nanny.
Create and Share Your Plan
When you vacation or visit your family, your nanny will be working. Therefore, sit down with your nanny in advance of the trip and ask whether they are available on your chosen dates.
If yes, communicate about the travel duration and any requirements to ensure you are on the same page. At this point, share the items to pack depending on the weather and planned activities.
To make it easier for your nanny, create a list of items necessary, including medical insurance, an up-to-date passport, and emergency contact information.
Talk About the Working Schedule and Compensation
While on vacation, your nanny will likely work more hours than usual, and this talk allows you to negotiate a favorable daily or hourly rate. That said, the all-paid holiday is no replacement for wages, and you should pay your nanny for all hours worked.
Be clear on the work schedule expectations and free time — any extra hours over 40 in a week are overtime per federal pay regulations.
Review Activities and Responsibilities
Vacation duties differ from regular house duties. And that is why you should talk about expectations and responsibilities during the trip.
With more family members around, duties can be confusing. Good communication keeps you in good stead with everyone and avoids unnecessary disappointments. With overlapping adults, you also want to discuss the authority figure around the children before your departure.
Share all routines and limitations on activities and outings with your nanny in advance. Getting these issues out of the way helps avoid embarrassment to your nanny and yourself.
Cover All Expenses
While you are on holiday vacation, you, the employer, should cover all traveling expenses, including flights, accommodations, meals, and other travel-related costs.
For instance, stock the refrigerator and inform your nanny if you expect to have self-prepared meals. Provide a stipend for outside activities such as park entry and eating out.
A vacation can be expensive, and you want to communicate all costs you’ll cover. As the employer, you are responsible for any trip gear your nanny doesn’t already own and must buy for the trip. Some examples include skis, mittens, or hiking shoes.
Give Your Nanny a Private Room
During the trip, your nanny will need some downtime to relax and care for personal issues when off duty.
Putting your nanny and the kids in one room is never a good idea. Sharing a room blurs the lines between work and off-hours and puts your nanny at risk of burnout early in the vacation.
A private room allows your nanny to have their privacy, rest, and recharge away from work. Separating your nanny and the kids is wise unless you have a child with special needs.
Even though many nannies enjoy traveling with their nanny families, this is still work for them. Therefore, traveling together requires a professional approach. Keep in mind that a nanny who is comfortable and happy will be at their best when your children need them most.
If you want a nanny who can accompany you on all your vacation travels, contact us today for professional nannies.